We went to check out the monkey dance at India Gate yesterday afternoon. Two monkeys act out an entire play in full costume. Unfortunately they

We went from there into Old Delhi to the Jama Masjid mosque which is the biggest mosque in India and can hold up to 25 000 people. We arrived there just before evening prayers so we weren't allowed in. Undeterred, we sat on the stairs to soak up the atmosphere and almost jumped out of our skins when the cannon sounded announcing sunset - typical paranoid tourists. It was an awesome experience to be surrounded by people praying and the voice of the muezzin booming over the loudspeaker. We watched as all around us people broke their fast. I don't know how Muslims cope in India in the month of Ramadan. It is so hot and humid during the day (which is why my running training is going so incredibly badly) and nothing is allowed to pass their lips, not even a sip of water. RESPECT. I can't even go half an hour without drinking about a litre of water.
No, the fasting is during day light hours for a month. Still pretty hectic though.
How's jozi? Have you set up your studio yet or are you rather going to do it in the new year? Bikram on Republic?
Ok so that was not the brightest comment I have ever made in my life - would people honestly life without eating for 1 month.... I have since educated myself extensively in this whole fasting thing that is going on! Waiting and waiting on Mr Bikram in LA to let me know if I can go ahead with the studio - so nothing happening this side yet - I am getting impatient but not nearly as impatient as my possible landlord so if I dont get an answer soonest I think he is going to maybe start looking for someone else! Will let you know on the development on that -so tell me about the situation and vibe of yoga in india? is it like I imagined it - or are there in fact studios on every corner and every person is doing a daily practice as we do (or try to) here in the western world? How would love to spend some time in the place where all I teach originates - it is going to happen but when it still to be presented to me...
Huge love always
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